Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Secret Pal Meeting and March-April Gifts

Yep our secret is out. A few weeks ago I had the privledge of meeting my secret pal and her 2 year old adopted daughter from Vietnam (not so secret anymore, but I won't let it out on this site because I would not want to ruin everyone else's surprise) Me and my secret pal were matched up on this junebugs site. After starting to find out a little about her I started to realize that she is actually a cousin of my friend Janna. Janna had been telling me for a couple of years about her cousin that adopted from Vietnam while waiting for her China adoption. Way to many things were similar and when I accidentally came upon her blog here and I was sure and so excited to let her know this connection. I am so glad I did because with her only living 20 min. away we can meet up from time to time for get togethers and when both our China babies come home we can do play dates. Today my secret pal and her dauhter came to my school fundraiser BBQ/Auction and we had a great time getting to know eachother. When I first saw her little girl all decked out in ladybug attire my heart just melted. My secret pal brought with her my April and May secret pal gifts. Secret pal if you are reading this you really outdid yourself and I can't wait to see Maizi in the beautiful easter dress. Thank you so very much! My husband Brain was a little bummed he was not able to meet them with me because he had to work. We are planning to get together again in May. As we were walking around my school I can't tell you how many people came up to us and asked if she was the baby I have been waiting for for so long. Some of my former studens families that I don't see all the time were sure it was. I just said as much as I would like to claim the little cutie it was not. I told them maybe next year. I look forward to my friendship with her and am very greatful to the person who matched us up with eachother. The march package was an Easter themed package. It had a georgeous Easter dress with a matching headband, little white gloves, frilly pink socks, and Easter Bunny, yummy chocloates, some great books and the sweetest ladybug card. The April package had a really soft pink fuzzy blanket, some great adoption books a cute little picture album, and an actual secret pal birthday card because she knew that thi week is my birthday. I put both packages together for the picture. As you can all see Maizi was really spoiled by her.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Un gros MERCI à ma secret pal!!!

I really have a wonderful secret pals who gets Marili the most FABULOUS gifts!!!! She sent our sweet girl the cutest little outfit with matching shoes for Easter with a bunny purse to collect Easter eggs!!! How cute is that???!!!! She also sent Marili a beautiful book "Ton histoire d'amour" that I wanted to get for my daughter but did not find it in my area. This book will be treasured!!! And it's even more special since it came from you!!! I love the activity calender, the scrapbooking items, the frame and the ladybug pencil and watch too!!!

Thank you SO much for these February and March gifts!!! I LOVE THEM!!!

Secret pal..., tu es quelqu'un de très spécial que j'apprécie beaucoup!!!
